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A New You Awaits You At 40
These days, people are living longer and better. But the effects of aging on their look affect their mood and self-confidence in keeping an active and healthy lifestyle.
Dr Rino Lorenzo, MD FPAPRAS of Cosmetic Philippines claims the essential aim of cosmetic surgery is “for women to look younger and for men to look better.” He explains. Dr. Lorenzo also performs a number of breast reductions and tummy tucks on women over 40. He conveys: “It is quite a positive experience for people who have a lot of loose skin either from weight loss or many pregnancies. When they are younger, they don’t have the time or resources, but as they get older they give themselves permission to care about their appearance more. They might say, look, this has always troubled me, but I just couldn’t do something about it until now.'”
Dr. Lorenzo notes that: “Liposuction for both women and men doesn’t work as well when you are over 40 – since the skin doesn’t spring back very well because of the changes in feature and elasticity of the skin. So for this age, we do perform fewer liposuctions and lot more skin excision like tummy tucks, arm lift, thigh lift and butt lift as body-shaping procedures.”
Dr. Lorenzo believes “over 40s considering cosmetic surgeries are lucky that the standard of plastic and cosmetic surgery offered to them here in the Philippines is very high and the equal of anywhere.”
When asked why they want to have plastic surgery, some said to put on physical benefits such as improved appearance, becoming more active, and being healthier. Some mentioned emotional and psychological benefits, such as better happiness, self-esteem, and self-confidence. But wrinkles are nothing to be scared of — they will happen to the best of us. This is why taking preventive measures toward preserving its youthful quality can also give it a boost.
Avoiding the sun, cigarette smoking, and too much alcohol; keeping skin moisturized and well-cleansed; and getting plenty of sleep are natural ways to care for your skin, says Dr. Lorenzo. Not only is exercise and eating healthy important to feeling re-energized and looking refreshed, most doctors would agree that the best candidates for plastic surgery are those who are physically and psychologically healthy. And according to Dr. Lorenzo, unless patients have high blood pressure and/or take contraindicated medications, an older patient and a younger patient are vulnerable to the same risks and uncertainties with plastic surgery.
So what are 40-something and early 60-somethings getting?
Package 1:
Breast lift
Face lift
Varicose vein treatment
Dermal fillers injection
Deep set eye
Package 2:
Breast reduction
tummy tuck
Brazilian butt lift
Brow lift
Slit eye procedure
Package 3:
Breast augmentation
butt augmentation
smart lipo
laser treatment
stretch mark treatment
Dr Rino Lorenzo is a Filipino Plastic Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeon based in Manila, Philippines. He is a Board Certified and fully trained Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon, with 6 years of formal training in the field of Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Burn Plastic Surgery. Dr Rino Lorenzo is a Diplomate of the Philippine Board of Plastic Surgery and Fellow of the Philippine Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.
Disclaimer: Webmasters are free to reprint this article provided that it is not edited, the author’s information is included, and the links are included as live links.
Resource box text: Dr R Lorenzo is the author of http://www.philippinecosmetic.com , a free guide to affordable cosmetic plastic procedures, choosing the right surgeon and safety tips
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A New You Awaits You At 40}